
Department Head, Professor

Department of Statistics

Phone: 979-845-3141



Since the fall of 2012, I have been a professor in the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University. Before this, I was a Professor of Biostatistics at both the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2004-2012)  and the University Michigan (2002-2004), a Professor of Statistics at Duke University (1989-2001) and worked for one year at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001-2002).

I received my Ph.D. in Statistics from The University of Chicago in 1989. My applied research interests include educational assessment, ordinal data and rank data analysis, clinical trial design, image analysis, and reliability analysis.  My current methodological interests focus on Bayesian hypothesis testing and its connections to classical testing procedures, Bayesian variable selection, Markov chain Monte Carlo model diagnostics, and latent variable modeling.