Abdulhakim Qahtan
Machine Learning; Statistics
Email: abdulhakim.qahtan@kaust.edu.sa
Webpage: http://mine.kaust.edu.sa/Pages/Qahtan.aspx
Anindya Bhadra
Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Mentor Professor: Dr. Mallick
Webpage: http://www.stat.purdue.edu/~bhadra/
Raghavendra Jana
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Webpage: http://numpor.kaust.edu.sa/Pages/RaghavendraJana.aspx
Bangti Jin
Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Mentor Professor: Dr. Rundell
Webpage: http://www.math.tamu.edu/~btjin/
Mehdi Maadooliat
Mentor Professor: Dr. Huang
Webpage: http://www.mscs.mu.edu/~mehdi/
Cornelis Potgieter
Mentor Professor: Dr. Genton
Webpage: http://www.smu.edu/Dedman/FacultyAndStaff/Directory/PotgieterCornelis
Dustin Steinhauer
Former Postdoctoral Student
Mentor Professor: Dr. Kuchment
Webpage: http://www.math.tamu.edu/~dsteinha/
Xueying Wang
Mentor Professor: Dr. Walton
Webpage: http://www.math.wsu.edu/faculty/xueying/
Irma Hernandez-Magallnes
Email: irma@stat.tamu.edu
Webpage: http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~irma/
Research Interests:
– Stochastic process modeling and data analysis.
– Develop of statistical models for time series, spatial processes and spatial-temporal processes.
– Applied statistics in Environmental Science: wildfires, lightning, marine ecology.
Myoungji Lee
Email: myoungji@stat.tamu.edu
Webpage: http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~myoungji/index.html
Research Interests:
– Modeling of spatial and spatial-temporal processes with applications in environmental science: climatology, geophysics, geology, etc.
– Development of asymptotic theory for dense spatial observations
– Covariance estimation for irregularly spaced measurements at high resolution
– Likelihood approximation for large data sets
Mathew McLean
Email: mmclean@stat.tamu.edu
Webpage: http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~mmclean/
Research Interests:
My current research is mostly in applied functional data analysis. Specifically, regression models where at least one of the predictors or the response are functions. I have also done some work on curve registration. My research usually involves techniques from semiparametric regression, especially penalized regression splines. Past work has involved time series analysis; specifically various types of GARCH models. Previous areas of application have included diffusion tensor imaging, forecasting emergency medical service call arrival rates, and financial time series.
Sam Rodriguez
Computer Science and Engineering
Email: sor8786@neo.tamu.edu
Webpage: https://parasol.tamu.edu/~sor8786/
Research Interests:
My work is focused on improving group behaviors in multi-agent systems by incorporating motion planning techniques with an agent-based approach. In our system, agents can have a range of behaviors, capabilities, levels of communication, knowledge of the environment and coordination . We investigate how agents can work cooperatively to perform tasks, plan paths in dynamic environments, and influence other groups of agents in an environment. The specific applications I have worked on are pursuit-evasion scenarios, evacuation behaviors and shepherding techniques. I have also worked on adapting various motion planning algorithms to produce more efficient and effective algorithms for path planning in high dimensional space.
Nathan Thomas
Computer Science and Engineering
Email: nthomas@cse.tamu.edu
Webpage: http://parasol.tamu.edu/~nthomas/
Research Interests:
My research interests include high performance computing, generic programming, machine learning, and runtime systems. I develop software tools to simplify the development of scientific applications written for large-scale, parallel machines.
Shawna Thomas
Mentor Professor: Dr. Amato 2010-2011
Email: sthomas@cs.tamu.edu
Webpage: http://parasol.tamu.edu/people/sthomas/
Research Interests:
Howdy! I work in the Parasol Lab with Dr. Nancy Amato. Our group develops randomized motion planning algorithms than can be applied to many different areas such as: mobile robots, virtual prototyping, computational biology and computational neuroscience. My research focus is on motion planning algorithms and their application to computational biology.