Multilevel Methods for Nonconforming FEM Systems April 25, 2011 4:00 p.m. Svetozar Margenov Abstract The talk is devoted to multilevel preconditioning methods of AMLI type based on block matrix approximate factorization of the stiffness matrix. It is focused on the case of nonconforming finite elements. The theory of the robust AMLI methods for anisotropic Crouzeix-Raviart […]

On Steady and Unsteady Flows of Implicitly Constituted Incompressible Fluids October 18, 2010 4:00 p.m. Joseph Malek Abstract We consider unsteady flows of incompressible fluids with a general implicit constitutive equation relating the deviatoric part of the Cauchy stress and the symmetric part of the velocity gradient in such a way that it leads to […]

Detecting Small Low Emission Sources on a Large Random Background February 02, 2011 12:00 p.m. Peter Kuchment Abstract The talk will present the results of joint work with M. Allmaras, D. Darrow, Y. Hristova, and G. Kanschat. It can be considered as a continuation of the study presented a year ago under the title “Deterministic […]

Pathway Regulatory Analysis and Modeling of Drug Intervention Effects in the Context of Bayesian Networks April 4, 2011 3:30 p.m. Ivan Ivanov Abstract To effectively intervene when cells are trapped in pathological modes of operation it is necessary to build models that capture sufficient detail of the network structure and how activities are changing to […]

First Steps of Coupling 2D and 3D Models for Lake Simulations March 24, 2011 2:30 p.m. Barbell Janssen Abstract When dealing with hydrodynamics in lakes, simulations for a time horizon of at least a year are costly in 3D. In order to overcome the computational costs, we combine a 3D model with a model in […]