Event Details

February 25, 2014

Dr. Mathew McLean

Postdoc Fellow, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University

Title: Tools for Reproducible Research and Dynamic Documents with R


This talk will review some tools for authoring reproducible, dynamic content for reports, presentations, software, and web pages. The goal is to provide brief overviews of a number of recently developed tools, mainly in the R programming language, that make it easier than ever for statisticians to create research documents and software, and also make it easier for others to reproduce their work. I will advocate the use of RStudio IDE throughout, and review some of its useful features. An introduction to version control with git and Github, and its integration with RStudio will be covered. Depending on time, I will discuss Rmarkdown for quickly creating content for the web, R package knitr for creating dynamic documents, package slidify for creating HTML5 slides, and the shiny package will be demonstrated for deploying interactive web applications. Other software such as Subversion, Dropbox, Pandoc, and Travis CI will be very brie y introduced.