Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory at KAUST and Development of Exact Absorbing Boundary Conditions There August 9, 2012 2:30 p.m. Kostyantyn Sirenko Abstract Many of IAMCS people are well aware what KAUST is and has strong relations with this Saudi university. But virtually all IAMCS’ contacts at KAUST are at KAUST’s Division of Mathematical and Computer Sciences. […]

Environmental Effect on Egress Simulation October 18, 2012 2:30 p.m. Sam Rodriguez Abstract Evacuation and egress simulations can be a useful tool for studying the effect of design decisions on the flow of agent movement. This type of simulation can be used to determine before hand the effect of design decisions and enable exploration of […]

Efficient Estimation of Dynamic Density Functions with an Application to Outlier Detection August 2, 2012 2:30 p.m. Abdulhakim Qahtan Abstract Estimating the density of data streams characterizes the distribution of streaming data, which can be utilized for online clustering and outlier detection. However, it is a challenging task to estimate the underlying density function of […]

Modern Trends in High Performance Computing April 8, 2013 11:30 a.m. E.N. (Mootaz) Elnozahy  Abstract The talk describes a supercomputer that I was involved in leading its research phase and design. The talk will cover: – The central role that the Interconnect plays in overall system performance, and how we restructured the traditional way of […]

Joint Estimation of Multiple Bivariate Densities of Protein Backbone Angles Using an Adaptive Exponential Spline Family November 28, 2012 2:30 p.m. Mehdi Maadooliat Abstract This work develops a method for joint estimation of multiple bivariate density functions for a collection of populations of protein backbone angles. The method utilizes an exponential family of distributions for […]